Do you watch television? (Apakah kamu menonton
My mother says that I watch too much television. (Ibuku
bilang aku terlalu banyak nonton televisi)
I watch cartoons on Saturday mornings. (Aku menonton
kartun pada hari Sabtu pagi)
Cartoons make me laugh. (Kartun bikin aku tertawa)
My brother and I each have our favorite cartoons. (Kakakku
dan aku masing-masing punya kartun kesukaan)
We have trouble deciding which cartoons we will
watch. (Kita kesulitan memutuskan kartun mana yang akan kita tonton)
On Saturday afternoons we like to watch sports. (Pada
hari Sabtu siang kita suka menonton olahraga)
My brother really likes to watch baseball, but
usually my mother tells us to go out and play on a Saturday afternoon. (Kakakku
sangat suka menonton baseball, tapi biasanya ibuku memberitahu kita untuk pergi
keluar dan bermain pada Sabtu siang)
On week nights we have our own favorite shows. (Pada
malam hari kita punya tayangan kesukaan masing-masing)
I like shows about outer space and monsters. (Aku
suka tayangan tentang luar angkasa dan monster)
My brother likes comedies. (Kakakku suka komedi)
He likes to laugh. (Dia suka tertawa)
My mother likes shows about real life situations. (Ibuku
suka tayangan soal situasi terkini)
She likes to watch the news. (Beliau suka menonton
She says that the news is important. (Beliau
mengatakan bahwa berita sangat penting)
She watches the news and weather to find out what is
going on in the world. (Beliau menonton berita dan ramalan cuaca untuk mencari
tahu apa yang sedang terjadi di luar sana)
Sometimes she watches real life shows about doctors
or policemen. (Terkadang beliau menonton reality show tentang dokter dan
My father doesn't watch television. (Ayahku tidak
menonton televisi)
He says that he would rather read a good book or the
newspaper. (Beliau berkata beliau lebih memilih membaca buku yang bagus atau
My dad gets all his news from the newspaper. (Ayahku
mendapatkan semua berita dari koran)
My favorite thing is to sit in front of the
television with a bag of popcorn and a bottle of pop. (Hal kesukaanku ialah
duduk di depan televisi dengan sebungkus popcorn dan sebotol soda)
I sit there and change the channels with the remote
control. (Aku duduk di sana dan mengganti kanal televisi dengan remot)
I change channels and watch a few different shows at
once. (Aku mengganti beberapa kanal televisi dan menonton beberapa tayangan
berbeda sekaligus)
My mother won't let me watch too much television. (Ibuku
tidak akan membiarkanku menonton terlalu banyak televisi)
She doesn't want me to get lazy. (Beliau tidak ingin
aku jadi malas)
Television is good if you don't spend too much time
watching it. (Televisi bagus jika kamu tidak menghabiskan terlalu banyak waktu
You can learn a lot from television if you watch the
educational channels. (Kamu bisa belajar banyak dari televisi jika kamu
menonton kanal pendidikan)
I learned about dinosaurs and rainforests last week
just from watching television. (Aku minggu lalu belajar soal dinosaurus dan
hutanlindung hanya dari menonton televisi)
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